Heidi Rae  Cooley

  • Title / Position: Assistant Professor
  • Twitter: @pix_ating

Heidi Rae Cooley is Assistant Professor of Media Arts and Film and Media Studies at the University of South Carolina. She is completing a book, “Finding Augusta: Persons, Technologies, and Governance,” that considers how mobile technologies instantiate norms for the governance of populations and constitute persons as expressive and socially connected subjects. A multi-media commentary, “Placing ‘Augusta’: Index, Tags & Findability,” for In Media Res (2009) offers an early look at the project. More recently, Dr. Cooley served as Co-PI and facilitator for an NEH-funded Humanities Gaming Institute (2010) and is currently Co-PI on an NEH Level 2 Digital Humanities Start-up grant. She is also serving as an adviser for an upcoming exhibit for the Architecture + Design Museum's contribution to the Getty Research Institute's "Los Angeles Architecture, 1945-1990" initiative.

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